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Ultraschnelles I-V Modul, 2 Kanäle, ±40V (80Vp-p), ±800mA, 200MS/s, 20ns PW-Quelle, 60ns PW-Quelle/Messung,
Gepulste I-V-Messungen, SegmentARB® Mehrstufiges Pulsen (2048 Segmente), Erfassung transienter Wellenformen
Gepulste I-V-Messungen, SegmentARB® Mehrstufiges Pulsen (2048 Segmente), Erfassung transienter Wellenformen
Using the Model 4225-RPM Remote Amplifier/ Switch to Automate Switching Between DC I-V, C-V, and Pulsed I-V MeasurementsHandbücher
Keithley 4220-PGU, 4225-PMU, 4225-RPMThis manual describes the 4220-PGU High Voltage Pulse Generator Unit, 4225-PMU Ultra-Fast Pulse Measure Unit, and the 4225-RPM Remote Preamplifier/Switch Modules. It includes information on connections, Clarius setup, pulse card concepts, and the Keithley Pulse Applications (KPulse). It also includes application examples that describe how to use the RPM to switch cards, how to use the PMU for pulsed I-V measurements, and how to test flash memory.
Pulse IV Test Automation with the Keithley 4225-PMU Pulse Measure Unit
Remote Vorverstärker- / Schaltmodul, DC I-V, C-V, gepulste I-V Messung mit automatisches Umschalten, Erweitert den Strombereich vom 4225-PMU-Modul, Auflösung 200pA