2.92mm (kompatibel mit 3.5mm und SMA) Coaxial Tip with TekFlex™ connector technology, 20 GHz, Range: 1.2Vpp per side, für Tektronix P7700-Serie (P7708, P7713, P7716, P7720) und TDP7700-Serie (TDP7704, TDP7706, TDP7708, TDP7710)
High Temperature Active Flexible Long Reach Solder-in Tip with TekFlex connector technology, 16 GHz Range: 2.5Vpp per side (1 tip) für Tektronix P7700-Serie (P7708, P7713, P7716, P7720) und TDP7700-Serie (TDP7704, TDP7706, TDP7708, TDP7710)
High Temperature Active Flexible Long Reach Solder-in Tip with TekFlex connector technology for memory solutions 16 GHz Range: 2.5Vpp per side (1 tip) für Tektronix P7700-Serie (P7708, P7713, P7716, P7720) und TDP7700-Serie (TDP7704, TDP7706, TDP7708, TDP7710)
Active Flexible Long Reach Solder-in Tip with TekFlex connector technology, 16 GHz Range: 2.5Vpp per side (1 tip) für Tektronix P7700-Serie (P7708, P7713, P7716, P7720) und TDP7700-Serie (TDP7704, TDP7706, TDP7708, TDP7710)
Active Flexible Long Reach Solder-in Tip with TekFlex connector technology for memory solutions 16 GHz Range: 2.5Vpp per side (1 tip) für Tektronix P7700-Serie (P7708, P7713, P7716, P7720) und TDP7700-Serie (TDP7704, TDP7706, TDP7708, TDP7710)